How to call value from another sheet in Excel

Learn how to call values from another sheet in Excel using cell references. This can be useful for creating formulas and reports that combine data from multiple sheets.

By Team Bulletiny | October 17, 2020 | 0 Comments

Cybercriminals illicitly acquired 340,000 Social Security numbers from a government consulting firm.

Greylock McKinnon Associates (GMA), a prominent U.S. consulting firm, disclosed a significant data breach affecting approximately 341,650 individuals. The breach, which occurred in May 2023, compromised personal and Medicare information, including Social Security numbers. Despite the severity of the breach, questions arose regarding GMA's nine-month delay in notifying victims. Efforts to obtain comments from GMA and their legal representatives were unsuccessful, leaving many unanswered questions. This breach highlights the ongoing threat of cybercrime and underscores the importance of robust cybersecurity measures.

By Team Bulletiny | April 09, 2024 | 0 Comments

Cybersecurity Challenges in the Era of Cloud Computing

The shift towards cloud computing offers numerous benefits like scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness for businesses. However, this transition also brings significant cybersecurity challenges such as data breaches, data loss, compliance issues, and insider threats. The Capital One data breach in 2019 exemplifies the risks associated with cloud security misconfigurations. To mitigate these risks, organizations should implement encryption, multi-factor authentication, regular audits, and employee training. Addressing these cybersecurity challenges is essential to fully leverage the advantages of cloud computing while ensuring data and operational security.

By Jotty John Kaduppil | June 22, 2024 | 0 Comments

Ethical Concerns Surrounding Data Privacy in the Age of Big Data

In today's digital world, data privacy concerns are growing as vast amounts of data are collected, stored, and analyzed. This article examines the ethical implications of data privacy in the age of big data, highlighting key issues and real-world examples. It discusses privacy violations, data discrimination, surveillance, and data security, with the Cambridge Analytica scandal as a notable case study. To address these concerns, the article suggests transparency, algorithmic fairness, data minimization, and regulatory compliance as essential measures for safeguarding data privacy and ensuring ethical data management practices.

By Jotty John Kaduppil | June 22, 2024 | 0 Comments